Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Breaking the Fast

I juiced fasted for two days - and I felt PHENOMENAL! Then, this evening, I made some organic salmon and some brocoli, and now I feel SO sick. I really wish I stuck with the fast. . although I'm not sure how long it's safe to fast for.

So then I had a few pieces of easter candy. . . damn easter lol - I feel like I should fast again! Maybe I will for the next few days.

My friends want to go out, but I feel nauseous. I just kinda wanna stay in and clean my room and go to sleep early so that I can have a productive day tomorrow.

Ahhh well - so it goes. . .

I'll post tomorrow about whether or not I'm going to fast and what the results will look like.


Back :)

Okayyyyy fun few months!!!

Yesterday, I got to go to see the premier of "21" - It was a really good movie - and it made me want to learn to count cards, go to Vegas, and earn lots of money just for being smart. Too bad I'm conceptually and synthetically intelligent and not soo good with numbers. It's all because I haven't taken a math course since high school. I don't know how I got through Princeton without EVER taking a math course.

Anyway, on the way to the movie, this guy kinda went through a stop sign and hit my car. It wasn't a bad accident, but it's possible my car is totaled just because it's so old. Having my car totaled would probably lend itself to good things and bad things - for one, I have such an emotional connection to that car that I'd definitely be sad not to be able to drive it anymore. That's the bad. The good is that, if it is totaled, I could possibly get the money to get a nice new car (lease one, I mean), and that would be awesome. Either way, I have a feeling my dad is going to be a jerk about the whole process. He absolutely doesn't think I am capable of dealing with anything in the real world, so he gets overly involved. I am capable, and, if I wasn't capable, then getting overly involved wouldn't help me become any more capable because I wouldn't learn anything.

Foodwise -
I got kinda offtrack - boys eat gross food (at least gross for my body), and I started to eat like them - you know, mashed potatoes, lots of butter, ranch dressing on everything. Luckily, it didn't last long, and now I'm back on track. It's ridiculous how much better your mind and body feels when you don't eat that kind of dense, processed food that I was eating. I'm in the middle of a fast right now - having "Green Lemonade" and raw veggies. Things are going much more smoothly this time than the first time, probably because my body already went through the main couple detox sessions. It seems like it remembers what to do :)

The weather here is beautiful today, so I'm going to get dressed and go outside before I waste any more of it here on the computer.
