Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's been a while. . .

Soooooo. . . it's been a while since I've posted. I've had a turbulent few months, but things are settling down and I've got more time to do silly things like post blogs.

I'm moving into my new condo in as little as ONE DAY!!!! I'm sooo psyched to finally have a place that is just mine. I guess it's kinda like my first house, but since it's a condo, I don't have a HUUUGE backyard or tons and tons of space or anything, but it's still going to be awesome.

Summer is such a great time for fresh fruits and veggies. . . I've been floating on cloud nine eating so many blueberries and cherries and tomatoes. The only thing that is hindering me right now is that I need to stop smoking. It's not like I smoke a ton, but when I do smoke, I can feel the consequences for days. I'm super tired, I'm irritable, my throat hurts, and I'm less inclined to exercise. It's ridiculous that humans are the only animals that will do what they know isn't good for them, even if it makes them feel like crap.

Okay well off to pack and get ready to move. . .

Perhaps I'll be back later.