Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hurt and Unidentified.

I hate it when people steal pictures of me and then, on facebook, put them as their own pictures and then don't even give me the credit by like, tagging me or something.

Tagged as: Erik (last name withheld to prevent embarassment due to stealing a picture of someone else).
Actually: Kelli (last name withheld to prevent creepy stalkers)

1 comment:

  1. I don't recall if we actually had a conversation about this since I have the memory of a goldfish, but the proper source has been cited.

    On another note, you should probably post more. Rando folks would be more likely to check out your insights on a regular basis if there was a semi-regular post. Maybe they would even set up a competing blog with pictures of unbelievably cute animals and random gifs just because those are awesome things. yeah.
