Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Adventures and Opinions of . . . Me?

I'm not really sure if I'm qualified to have a blog where I talk about what I want to talk about. After all, who would really want to read this? I guess I'll find out -
First, I'll talk a second about me so that, if by chance you do decide to read what I write, at least you'll have an idea of the person behind the words.
I'm a 23 year old girl living in Columbus, Ohio. I work for the Institute for Human Services, doing research and writing articles, mostly discussing children's rights and child advocacy. This past spring, I graduated from Princeton University with an A.B in English. I decided to take a year off to gather my sanity, and it was totally worth it. Princeton was hard, and transitioning into the period of life I'm in right now was not an easy task for me. Don't get me wrong, I had tons of fun at college, but the fun and the work took up most of my time and caused me to push the personal discovery/personal evolution to the back of my priority list. Now that I'm back on track towards continual personal development, I'm totally excited to get back to school. This coming fall, I'll be heading off to law school, hopefully somewhere in California, Boston, or NYC.
I'm a vegetarian, and I firmly believe in the rights of animals as ends in themselves. I was lucky enough to have Peter Singer as a professor while I was at Princeton, and his class changed my life. Although I think that sometimes PETA is a bit sensational, everyone should watch the "Meet Your Meat" video on their website. I also recommend Singer's book "Animal Liberation."
Not only do I not eat meat, but I also follow a raw-foods diet. Somewhere in the middle of my junior year of college, I experimented with raw foods, and I felt AMAZING. Unfortunately, it was too hard for me to upkeep while I was in college, so I stopped. This past summer, I'd dabble from week to week, but nothing too serious. Recently, I took the plunge, and I feel amazing. My energy has doubled, and my mental concentration is sharper than it has ever been. I no longer need coffee to feel awake in the morning, and I always feel like gettin' in my afternoon workout. I totally recommend that you try a raw diet, even just for a week, to see a preview of the benefits. Head out to the library and pick up Natalia Rose's "The Raw Food Detox Diet," or "Raw Food Life Force Energy" if you want to know more about a good way to transition from your present diet to a raw diet or if you just want know more about raw foods in general.
This blog will be a general reflection on the things going on in the world as well as a personal reflection of a rawfoodvegetarian's experiences with normal, everyday life. Hopefully, you can find something that grabs your attention, or maybe even some aspect of my life or my thoughts that personally relates to something about you!

Okay, so now that you know something about me, time to get into the thick of things. Unfortunately, it's too late tonight to start blabbing, so I'll get to it first thing tomorrow.

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