Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Training for a 5K and then???

Today was my first day of training for a 5K! There are a ton of them at the end of May/beginning of June, so I want to be in shape to do a few. The first one is on May 17, and although it might be pushing it to be in my best shape for that one, at least I know I'll be able to run it and run it well. This kind of training is the best way for me to keep myself accountable to my fitness goals. If my goals are simply just "to run" or "to look better in a bikini," then I have a less concrete finish line than if my goals are a specific distance or event, such as a 5K. The newest issue of Runners Magazine has a beginning training program that I'm going to use as my guide.

Other than that, I'm kinda bogged down with work and trying to find a condo. I have walked through a few really nice ones, but there always seems to be something not quite perfect about them. For instance, the perfect-est one was $400,000, which is not a price I'm looking to spend! A few others are in my price range, and are actually nice little places, but too far away from OSU's law school to be feasible. The one I'm looking at at 6:30, on paper, seems perfect. It's in the short north, right in the middle of all my favourite restaurants and bars, and it's a reasonable distance away from OSU. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one might work.

Shower-time - I'm sure I'll update later in between work breaks.

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